Akbash are solid white livestock guardian is equipped with keen hearing and superior strength. Their white, weather resistant, double, short to medium length coats are coarse and non-matting, with very little doggy odor. The Akbash has a massive head and powerful jaws. The v-shaped ears are set high with the tips slightly rounded, flat to the skull, and are carried pendant. Imported from Turkey, these dogs may have cropped ears. Their almond shaped eyes are set well apart and distinctly oblique. Eye color varies from light golden brown to very dark brown. The neck is strong and muscular, medium in length and arches at the crest. It has strong, large, well-arched toes. The nails are blunt and either gray, brown or white. The pads are thick, hard, elastic and normally dark. The tail is long, reaching to the hocks. There is an elastic, springy nature to the gait.
The Akbash Dog is a primitive breed. The dogs are gentle to livestock, capable of warding off bears and wolves. They are a protective breed and make an excellent family dog who is intelligent, courageous, and loyal. Even at a very young age, Akbash will bond strongly with the livestock or family that it is protecting. It has such strong maternal instincts, that sheep will often allow this dog to sniff and clean their newborn lambs and will flock behind their guardian when threatened. Because of their strong maternal instincts, they are usually good with infants. The dog's independent nature allows it to respond swiftly and without guidance in an emergency. There is no difference in guarding ability between the male and female. Some of the animals the Akbash Dog has guarded include sheep, goats, cattle, horses, poultry and exotic birds, deer, alpacas and llamas. Once bonded, these dogs will not hesitate to risk their own lives to protect their charges. The Akbash Dog has even been used by American ranchers to ward off bears and coyotes.
The Akbash Size:
Height- 28-32 inches (71-81 cm.)
Weight- 90-130 pounds (41-59 kg.)